Instructional Delivery Method: Group Live-Seminar

This is a five-part course designed to transform a high school graduate into a full-charge bookkeeper and office manager in less than two months. This course consists of five modules (click a section below to view only that module or click "View All Workforce Training Modules" to view the entire course):

  1. Basic Financial Literacy Training (15%)


  2. Understanding ‘Full Charge’ Bookkeeping (30%)


  3. Basic ExcelTM Skills for Bookkeeping (15%)


  4. Basic QuickBooksTM for Bookkeeping and Accounting (30%)


  5. How To Get a Bookkeeping Job (10%)


Who should attend: This five module program is designed for the GED or high school graduate who wants to qualify for an office manager or bookkeeping job in less than two months. Individuals enrolled in basic business or accounting curriculum will also greatly benefit from the practical information presented in this seminar as will individuals with practical work experience in this area who want to advance their career.

Prerequisites: None

Program Level: Basic

Advance preparation: None

For a comprehensive course description & to view the full brochure click a link below:

To setup Workforce Training for your organization, please fill out this questionnaire to help pinpoint your group's needs, and assist NCCE in putting together a top-notch Workforce Training course for your organization.


Click here for more information on Workforce Training.

National Center for Continuing Education

967 Briarcliff Drive - Tallahassee, FL - 32308 - Fax: (850) 222-4862

Phone: (850) 561-6081 -